PowerShell High Memory Usage - Header image

Fix: Windows PowerShell High Memory In Task Manager

If you are running Windows 11 and find that your system starts to slow down considerably shortly after booting up, there could be many reasons for this. PowerShell Auto-Starting & Using Memory In this article we are going to resolve a bug that sees Windows PowerShell using high RAM resources. …

Copy and paste webp files into PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop

Copy / Paste WebP Files From Web to PowerPoint

More and more website creators are using WebP image formats on their images on websites. The advantages are huge in terms of maintaining quality while vastly reducing file size. This helps their search engine page ranking enormously as Google and other search engines reward pages for loading quickly. When using …

Working with layers in PowerPoint

PowerPoint – Working With Layers

If you are working on a PowerPoint presentation and the slide only has 3 or 4 layers, it’s easy enough to arrange these using the Arrange button within the Home tab and use Arrange / Send to back or Bring to front. However, if the slide is more advanced, with …

Fix: Missing Battery Level Icon on Windows Laptop

“Missing Battery Level Icon on Right Side of Taskbar on a Windows Laptop? Here’s How to Get it Back” If you’re experiencing the frustration of not seeing the battery level icon on your Windows laptop’s taskbar, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll explain why it may …

Guide to fixing errors on Canon MG Printers

Fixing Your Canon Pixma MG Series Printer from Error State

Fixing Your Canon Printer in an Error Mode. Many of the points and instructions in this article assume that you are using Windows 10 or Windows 11. Are you having trouble with your Canon Pixma MG series printer going into an error state? If it doesn’t print and you are …

Banner header - article explaing how to switch out of dark mode in Microsoft Word

Change the Background in Microsoft Word – Dark to Light

If you open Microsoft Word (this may also be applicable to other Office suite programs) and discover that the page background has gone on to “dark mode”, this is easy to fix. There are 3 reasons that this may have occurred, we will run through the 3 methods to change …

Print Passport sized photos using Microsoft Word

How to Print a Passport Size Photo Using Word

In this reference article, we will cover the various requirements to use Microsoft Word to print a passport size photo to the exact required dimensions. Image sizes and requirements vary slightly from country to country, so if you are applying for an actual passport photo, you are best referring to …

Use Windows PowerShell to list all installed programs using Get-ItemProperty

Use PowerShell To Display All Installed Programs

The following instructions in this information & reference article works in Windows PowerShell or Windows Terminal. Depending on whichever you have available when you right-click the Start Menu. (When launching, open the version that is listed with (Admin). Why Use Windows PowerShell For This? There is of course the more …

Copy / move multiple files from multiple folders in Windows.

How to Move Files from Multiple Folders to one Folder

Here are the simple instructions to extract & move multiple files of any type (photos, music, documents, etc) from multiple different folders into one new folder directory. These instructions will work in any version of Windows. Windows 11, right back to Windows 7. Example Scenario When importing photos from a …

Header - Devices & Printers - Tutorial. How to Create Desktop Shortcut

Create Desktop Shortcut to Devices & Printers – Windows 11

How to create a desktop shortcut to open the traditional Control Panel window for Devices and Printers in Windows 11. This can be useful if you regularly need to access the Control Panel settings if you work with multiple printers or if you experience issues that require hardware devices to …