The 2014 Glasgow Taxi outing to Troon is scheduled for Wednesday 18th June. We, as do all the shops in Troon look forward as always to welcoming the children, drivers and volunteers to town. (Photos Now Online Here)
News: Queen’s Baton in Troon
The flags are up in town in preparation for the Queen’s Baton relay ahead of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. The date that the baton is scheduled to come through Troon town centre is Friday the 20th June. The route the baton will take is in from Barassie North Shore road …
Info: HDMI Cables – How Much?
An interesting article appeared on BBC’s Watchdog program about HDMI cables, which underlines what I have been informing our customers for a few years now. Major retailers have been deliberately causing misconception about the performance differences with HDMI cables for years. In the shop I am often asked how I am …
News: CryptoLocker and Gameover Zeus
The CryptoLocker and Gameover Zeus virus’s have made national news headlines this week. Both of these virus’s have been around for some time now and I have dealt with computers in the repair shop that have been infected. What seems unusual about this current threat is that two completely different virus’s …
Support: Improve Your Wireless Signal
FAQ – How do I boost my WiFi signal? WiFi “Dead Zones” or “Black Spots” are terms used to describe an area or room in your home that has no / very weak wireless signal. There are many options to boost or relay your signal. The first thing to determine …
Support: Re-Install Bullguard
Reasons for running a fresh install of Bullguard Internet Security may include resetting the Firewall rules back to default, updating to the latest user interface version or resolving any issues. To reinstall a fresh copy but retain user login details could not be simpler. Here are the steps to run a …
News: Ransom Virus Hits iPhones & iPads
Apple devices are being targeted by a Ransomware virus. The “Olig Pliss” virus locks devices and demands that the owner pays a ransom to have their devices unlocked. This all sounds very familiar. Recently the “Cryptolocker” ransomware trojan virus infected Windows computers demanding bit-coin payments to have files decrypted. The …
Support: Use Our Handy Home Page
We have created a handy page with useful links to use as your Home Page when you launch Internet Explorer (or any other browser). The page contains links to Email Servers, News Sites, Travel Links, Local Sites, Facebook, etc. The stats show that over 2500 users currently use this as …
Support: Renew Bullguard Licence
To renew your Bullguard licence here are the simple steps. Either purchase the new licence online from Bullguard or buy from Computroon. Our price is £25 for the 1 Year 3 PC Licence. Open up the Bullguard Software. The licence only …
News: eBay Cyber Attack
Internet Security Alert Users of eBay are being reminded to change their passwords for the site following a hack into their system. If any of our customers use eBay we recommend following the advice and logging in to change your passwords. If you use eBay and use the same password for …